Read the first three chapters of Molly’s upcoming thriller, The Begonia Killer, here.
Molly McGill is the founder and sole employee of McGill Investigators, a P.I. firm specializing in domestic cases. Do you suspect your spouse of double-dealings at her/his job? Are disturbing portions of your teenager’s day unaccounted for? Are your neighbors possibly unstable?
Molly can help. Just twelve hours shy of her psychology PhD, she has a unique understanding of people — their passions, their strengths and failings, the mechanisms by which life sometimes jumps the rails.
Does it feel like nobody’s listening?
Molly will. She’ll hear you out and make a plan. Molly will be your advocate.
Molly’s expertise in these matters is hard fought. She is the mother of 14-year-old Zach and 6-year-old Karen, whom she loves to pieces when they aren’t destroying upholstery or each other’s self-esteem. She also lives with her grandmother Eunice, who monopolizes the TV with cable news and reality judge shows.
Molly is twice divorced. (Zach and Karen are half-siblings.) Various players have auditioned for Husband #3, as romance seems to find its way into every McGill Investigators case. So far, none have claimed the role. The leading candidate would have to be Quaid Rafferty — Molly’s sometimes-partner in adventure and leader of Third Chance Enterprises. They’ve had fun together and surely will again, but she’s not holding her breath.